Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dreams of being a Lovable Fool, instead of a Competent Jerk.

In the paper, “Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks”, Casiaro and Sousa Lobo discusses the balance within an employee of being competent in what they do at the same time being a likeable person. A balance that they deem can be nurtured within your employees and one that can be leveraged for corporate performance. It at first seemed like a very basic paper that individuals like to work with people that they like, which seems reasonable enough to me. Once they started discussing it further though, it came apparent that this could be a very valuable tool in application within a business. The direct examples of the tech support lady, who could calm down the clients before they got to the competent jerks in the IT department. From a management view point however, even with the knowledge that she was creating such a social hub, that she should be kept over the person doing the work would be hard pressed to show to HR.

I would like to make a brace statement, that all IT people are competent jerks. Waite, before the mobs come after me, the article made a very valid point that it is all a matter of perspective. I don’t personally think that any IT person would be a jerk, but I could see from others perspectives that they may think of the IT jerks just because the IT employees are more logical and may lack the communication skills that the lovable fool would have. The methods that the paper said could truly help this sort of situation out where a well balanced individual could help to bridge this gap of communication.

It’s a balance though that an individual needs to be actively aware of. I say this because one can always just focus on the interpersonal communication efforts but as the paper stated, a lovable fool can quickly becomes a hated one. There needs to be that balance that the person knows what they are talking about, not just talking.

A very interesting paper, and one that I found very useful for future reference. I must be on my way to being a lovable competent employee cause I'm not a jerk nor a fool so I'm getting there !


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