Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Posted by Hello This picture will have to do for tonight since my camera needs real light instead of these fake yellow lights of inside. I took about 20 in different locations tonight, but the yellow tint really makes them look worse then they should.
I am in the MSBIT IA programming at Walsh to further my education and to provide a career change. I enjoy everything related to IT work and went into Secondary Education for computer science and math, but then came to a realization that I enjoy learning more then the teaching experience and wanted to get IT work experience. The teaching aspect of my life is not fully closed just not my goal right now. I landed a technical job with GM that my IT skills always landed me special tasks but it was still not what I wanted from life. A life experience occured that woke me up and again realized that I was putting off what I needed to do, I had to go back to school if I wanted to get into the IT career path. I did some research and pulled in my IT hobbies, education, and goals and came up with an information assurance career path. I hope that by the time that I finish the program, I will have started the Security Clearance process and continue with my current career that randomly came my way and if luck does continue, will lead to a DOD IA career. Walsh was picked due to the strong IA program here in michigan.
....and No I am not always making a serious face in pictures, just was having a bad day experiencing life.

Assignment 2: Semantic Web

Like me you may not have heard of the Semantic Web, yet it is the next logical step in making the web a data work horse. The web as we know from the time of its creation has been a mix bag of data floating around-one just needs to perform a google search to see what sort of data is returned. The W3 consortium vision supplied in the two articles has the web working more along the lines of a relational database where data makes sense. Make sense of all the data on the web? Yes that is what a Semantic Web will do. The semantic web will be a standard that is built on tools already in existence today, such as XML and RDF. It shall allow data to be easily shared through the web and web applications. This sharing is made possible by the Semantic Web standard of allowing data to be combined with other data from other sources and automated so that the requesting system will receive the data in a meaningful and usable format. This is then further extended that the requesting system can communicate out creating a complete communication link to all meaningful data on the web.
How will any of this be of any use to e-commerce? The Semantic Web could revolutionize how e-commerce functions as e-commerce could no longer require human interaction at all. A business could create their Semantic Web and their supplies would automatically be available any system of internal or external business units. Nearly the entire purchasing model could be automated through the Semantic Web.. Not only would this benefit B2B e-commerce, but customers wouldn't have to go shopping through search sites any longer as the best available price of the item could be found by doing a filter across the entire Semantic web of the best available price.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Ajax Buzzword of interest

I was looking around online regarding new technology and came across a lot of references to a new Buzzword. Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML, ties into the two old technologies to create a new way of web page interaction.. I still have a lot of my own research to do on it, so instead of trying to go into more detail I will just reference you to the best intro blog that I have found so far about it..

Highly advise those interested in e-commerce sites to find out more about it.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Build it, and less not forget it.

I just wanted to point out an editoral regarding the importance of a corporate website not just that they have one but that it is updated to keep current. I have seen so many websites that were built with the best intentions but where then left to die with the initial posted information. In the posted url, a company did just that and guess what? They were sued because their website was misleading to the consumers and the consumers won the case. If you build it, they will come..If you forget it, you may be reminded rather quickly!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

E-commerce+ Business Dependency

A quick summary of the article from forbes: Ebay and amazon are continuing sales but are not recording record sales as once predicted of all e-commerce sites back in 2003. E-commerce sites need to have financial backing from other sources. A few examples were given, one that I will point out is how Paypal is backed by Wells Fargo and brings to the e-commerce site its credit/banking knowledge. What's it mean?? If you start an e-commerce site, it might be a good idea to try building a co-relation to a none e-commerce company... just a thought...

Friday, April 08, 2005

About me:

The url of this blog is which if one did not know has nothing to do with networks at all. A NETMINDER is just another name for a hockey goalie but for the purpose of this blog, I am using it in a different sense. Sure this blog won't be blocking any pucks, but if it serves its purpose correctly it will be a network reminder for homework for the class =)

Secondly, my user name for the blog is Mr.UnLucky, I don't mean that soley based on who I am, it was picked as just a random nickname from one of my favorite movies. Jack Skellington from the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas" is singing his heart out, and says, "I'm Mr.Unlucky to a man in Kentucky" I guess that doesn't really say why I picked the name, oh-well. Later.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Pre-course Knowledge Assessment

1) Describe Porter's Five Forces model and describe how it's relevant to issues in electronic commerce.
Who is Mr. Porter? I don't know but he may be part of the force.

2) What is a PSP (Payment Service Provider)? Give three examples and explain how they operate.
A PSP is a company that handles the payments for your e-commerce site. One example would be Paypal, I don't know any other.

3) What are some common security threats that a typical E-commerce site might face? What are some risk mitigation strategies for dealing with these issues?
Denial of Service, Hackers, Server outage. Updated firmware and software patches, a hardware firewall with redunate services.

4) Describe what is meant by the Semantic Web. What are some technologies that make use of this theory.
I don't know
5) What are managerial process plans? How are they relevant to software requirements specifications? Name and briefly describe an example plan.
I don't know
6) Describe three distinct E-commerce revenue models.
Direct Sales-Sell items that the company makes
Indirect Sales- Store front is a store to sell items that other companies produce and ship
Services-Company sells services not items such as web hosting,

Explanation of things to Come

Evening: This internet is an amazing place to be, but one can easily get lost in it all with its misdirections and misleading paths. As part of my e-commerce course, I will try to find outside resources that will not only help my classmates but help others across the web to find there way.